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Financial Literacy Programmes

Category: Outreach
Client: Asisa Foundation
Posted by: Grounded Media

Grounded Media has worked on two financial literacy programmes for the Asisa Foundation:

Saver Waya Waya – WageWise
A Financial Literacy Programme for

The National Consumer Financial Education Strategy recognises that South Africans are not appropriately equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to manage their household finances, select suitable financial products and services and to plan for their futures financially. Over indebtedness, which is made worse by unscrupulous unsecured lending, is also a particular problem for many consumers. Saver Waya Waya WageWise, a financial literacy project, seeks to address these concerns by raising awareness about appropriate financial literacy topics.
The project has been made possible through the ASISA Foundation (Association for Savings and Investment)

To conduct a consumer financial education programme, primarily through interactive face-to-face workshops, with content relevant to the financial needs of the participants. The desired outcome of attending these workshops is to reduce the financial vulnerability of the participants by empowering them to make appropriate financial decisions throughout their life stages and so enable greater economic participation.

Grounded Media services:

  • Content Design
  • Advocacy and Stakeholder interaction to set up the workshops at worksites and with trade unions
  • Experienced facilitators who conduct interactive workshops
  • Edutainment in the form of industrial theatre and Videos

Saver Waya Waya
Financial Literacy Programme for TVET Students

The main aim of the programme was to empower final year students at TVET Colleges with skills in personal financial management focusing on the topics of:

  • Budgeting and Savings
  • Understanding Interest Rates and Debt Management
  • Money and the World of Work

Grounded Media provided the following services:

  • Content development and design
  • Advocacy and stakeholder engagement with the various TVET Colleges to get their buy in
  • Skilled and experienced facilitators to conduct face-to-face workshops with the students
  • Drama – Industrial theatre experts, who worked with the students as the students created dramas based on the topics
  • Event management at the big event where the student dramas were staged and performed to the rest of the college
  • Social Media management for the students to continue the conversation on Facebook and Whatsapp